Hey boo! Now did you know that smiling doesn’t only make you look good but there are great health benefits that comes along with it also? And if your answer is “no”, trust me, I didn’t know either. Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. I mean, who doesn’t …
What you need to know…Mental illness
Hey boo! As I stated in my previous post, May is mental health awareness month. And our mental health is very important, but it’s something that many of us neglect, which we shouldn’t. And this is why for the rest of this month I’m going to be stressing the importance of it (honey, I’m going …
Mental illness is real….
“You can’t tell just by looking at someone what they are dealing with inside.” If you didn’t know already it’s May, and this month is Mental Health Awareness Month (also referred to as “Mental Health Month”) has been observed in May in the United States since 1949, reaching millions of people in the United …