Girl Talk, Mental Health

Smile. It’s good for you.

Hey boo!

Now did you know that smiling doesn’t only make you look good but there are great health benefits that comes along with it also? And if your answer is “no”, trust me, I didn’t know either. Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. I mean, who doesn’t want a feel good party in their brain? Lol, or maybe it’s just me, but if you’re anything like me keep reading.

The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.

For starters, smiling activates the release of neuropeptides that work toward fighting off stress (we all need a stress reliever). Neuropeptides are tiny molecules that allow neurons to communicate. They facilitate messaging to the whole body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, or excited. The feel-good neurotransmitters — dopamine, endorphins and serotonin — are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well (in other words when we smile, all the feel good chemicals in our brains are released & we feel good within ourselves). This not only relaxes your body, but it can also lower your heart rate and blood pressure. 

So, smiling is a great way to alter your mood, if you’re  feeling down, or slightly depressed. Even a fake smile will do the trick, some research has shown that smiling can actually trick your brain into thinking that you are happy. This is also the case whether your smile is authentic or not, it can have the same result.

So, here are 6 health benefits of smiling 

  1. Smiling lowers stress & anxiety.

In studies where people had to deal with stressful situations whilst smiling, those who smiled were found to have lower heart rates than those who were not smiling.

  1. Smiling makes you more approachable.

Studies have also shown that most people feel that others who smile are much more approachable than those who do not smile.

This can help with work, friends and complete strangers, as others can feel like you are easier to talk to and they are not afraid to approach you.

  1. Smiling boosts your activity.

Not only can smiling make you feel happier and more positive, but it can also help you to become more productive.

Studies have shown that being happy has a great effect on productivity in the workplace.

Smiling can cause us to be happy and experience happy emotions! This helps us to become more productive as we can have a better mindset.

  1. Smiles are contagious.

If you make a habit of smiling, the people around you will likely smile more when they are around you.

Have you ever found that when someone smiles at you, you automatically smile back? It could be a friend, work colleague or maybe even a stranger.

Research has shown that due to something that we all possess called Mirror Neurons, we often respond to the act of smiling by imitating it and smiling ourselves. This will then also cause us to simulate the emotions that come with the action of smiling too. 

  1. Smiling kills pain.

Smiling has been shown to help ease any pain that you could be experiencing. As mentioned previously, smiling can release endorphins, which can make you feel happier.

These hormones are also known as a natural painkiller. They can also help to ease the pain you are experiencing.

And last, but not least. #6 my most favorite reason for smiling more.

  1. Smiling makes you look younger.

Yassss, hunty! Now who doesn’t want to look younger? I’m waiting, “right”, we all do. I never heard anyone say, “I want to look old.” I’m just saying. Anyways, I digress.

Studies have shown, that you normally can look about 3 years younger. When you smile, it can naturally lift your face and can fend off any frown lines that you may get. Consequently, this can help you to look younger.

So instead of walking around with this face….


Walk around with a little pep in your step, knowing that smiling not one makes you look good, but it makes you feel better.



Your girl,



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