Girl Talk

10 ways to practice self-care @ home

Hey boo, heyyyy!

Let’s face it the past couple of months has been pretty stressful to say the least. There is so much that is going on in the world today, I mean turn on the news. It’s one thing after another, it seems to have gone from bad to worse. And I can’t stress it enough (well not really stress…lol) I mean there’s enough of that going on on. But I really have to say that in times like this it is imperative to take some time out for self care. Do some things to help you de-stress and guess what your girl got you!

Research has shown that adding self-care into one’s daily routine reduces stress, decreases the chance of mental and physical ailment, increases productivity, and inspires feelings of happiness. By giving ourselves a daily dose of compassion, we’re able to approach our work and relationships with a clear, happy mind, thus allowing the cycle of positivity to continue.

So here is 10 ways to to take a few minutes out of your day and take care one of the most important person in your life…..YOURSELF! And to top it off, you don’t have to go outside to do them, you can do it at home while the pandemic is happening in our world today.

1. Meditate and be more mindful.

Meditation doesn’t just give you time to reflect and unwind—it’s also a really simple way to be nicer to yourself. According to the Chopra Center, mindful meditation can help you let go of hurt past feelings, help you be more kind, and help you be more compassionate, both toward yourself and others.

2. Pray more and worry less.

Praying is just not for the religious or the righteous. I believe prayer is for everyone. And no, praying doesn’t have to be long winded or difficult to do. It’s just communicating with your creator, God. It’s all about being open, honest & most importantly yourself with Him. It’s all about giving your burdens to God & letting him take care of everything for you. So, never hesitate to pray because he’s always there, ready to listen.

3. Write yourself a love letter.

Who says love letters have to be written to you from someone else? If you’re feeling down, sometimes something as simple as picking up a pen and writing down all the great things you have going for you can be a fool-proof way to boost your spirit. You can also hold onto it for the next time you need a pick-me-up. Say all the things to yourself that you always wanted someone else to say to you, but didn’t.

4. Ask yourself what you need and want out of life.

You’re always addressing the needs of others, but how about yourself?  Taking the time to ask yourself what you need or want is an great way to not only be nicer to yourself, but to finally get what you deserve in life.

5. Invest in yourself.

If you believe you can do something, don’t wait another second to start making it happen. Invest in yourself by signing up for that class, starting that business, or writing that book. Whatever it is, give yourself the chance to achieve it!

6. Take time to do what makes you happy.

With such busy work and personal schedules, it can be hard to make time to do what truly lights you up and makes you happy.  “Whatever you desire, indulge in it as often as possible.” It’s time to schedule yourself in just like you would someone who’s important to you!

7. Settle down and take a warm bath.

After a long day of work or school, taking some time for yourself is essential. So, take some time to take a warm bath. Now just don’t get in & get out, but take this time to romance yourself & set the atmosphere for yourself. Light some candles (or battery operated candles), turn on some soft relaxing music & enjoy the warm water. You deserve it.

8. Read a book.

Finding a book you love is a great way to feel happy. It feels wonderful to look forward to a good story, and the act of reading helps encourage a sense of peace. If you don’t know what to read, read my book ‘How to be the dopest version of yourself.‘ Not saying that I’m bias (lol) but it is a great self development book with affirmations, self-esteem exercises, and tips for self-love.

9. Practice forgiveness.

Whether it’s forgiving someone else or yourself, practicing forgiveness will help you move on from things that might be hard to let go of. And once you do that, you’ll travel through life with an ease you didn’t even know existed thanks to all those heavy weights being lifted off your chest.

10. Start journaling.

Sure, you’re not writing about your school crushes anymore, but journaling about your day and whatever is on your mind does a lot of good for your mental health. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, it can help you manage anxiety, reduce stress, and improve your mood—even if you’re just doing it for a few minutes a day. And if you want a new journal, I have couple of new ones in my shop.

“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”
Parker Palmer

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