Girl Talk

What do you bring to the table?

This question has been going around these social media streets for awhile. But recently everywhere I turn men have been asking women this question a lot more because of certain coaches, consultants, etc. who love to talk about high-value men & how a woman should have realistic standards aka lower her standards.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m a realist but I’m not going to let somebody else tell me my worth, when God has already validated me with his love. So, yes be realistic, but don’t let another person convince you to lower your standards just to be in a relationship. The very moment that you lower your standards is the very moment you disrespect yourself. Settling for someone or something that you know won’t bring you true satisfaction & happiness will only lead you to a life of regret.

Worse case scenario

If you lower your standards, you are more likely to end up with somebody who is toxic. Being alone is not always easy but it’s even worse spending your life with somebody who plays mind games with you, puts you down, and makes you feel like you are not enough. Take your time and wait for somebody worthy of your devotion.

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