Girl Talk

The problem with always putting on a smile

In our culture, we’ve become obsessed with happiness. We’re constantly being told to cheer up, and that it’ll get better. But what if we’re not really happy? What if we’re struggling with something? That’s where toxic positivity comes in. Toxic positivity is the act of pretending to be happy when you’re really not. It’s fake happiness, and it can be damaging to our relationships. So let’s take a step back and think about what we’re really feeling. Maybe it’s OK to be sad sometimes. Maybe we don’t always have to put on a smile for the world.

What is toxic positivity?

Toxic positivity is the act of pretending to be happy when you’re really not. It’s that fake kind of happy people say to you like “Just cheer up!” or “It’ll get better, don’t worry,” when something really bad happened to you. Toxic positivity is inauthentic happiness and can cause damage in personal and professional relationships. It’s OK to feel down sometimes, you shouldn’t have to put on a fake smile for the world.

The dangers of toxic positivity

The dangers of toxic positivity are that it’s inauthentic, it can damage relationships, and it can prevent us from dealing with our problems. Toxic positivity is often used as a way to avoid dealing with negative emotions, but that can lead to even more problems down the road. It’s important to be real with ourselves and others and to deal with our problems head-on.

The negative impact of toxic positivity

The negative impact of toxic positivity can be seen in our personal and professional relationships. When we’re not being authentic, it’s difficult to build trust. And when we’re constantly putting on a fake smile, we’re not dealing with our real problems. This can lead to even more stress and anxiety down the road. So it’s important to be aware of the impact of toxic positivity, and to make a conscious effort to be more authentic in our relationships.

How to deal with toxic positivity

If you’re struggling with toxic positivity, it’s important to reach out for help. Talk to a trusted friend or family member, or see a therapist. It’s also important to be more mindful of the way you’re speaking to yourself. Instead of telling yourself to “just cheer up,” try to focus on the positive things in your life. And instead of pretending everything is OK, allow yourself to feel your emotions and deal with them in a healthy way.

Why we need to stop being fake happy all the time

Why we need to stop being fake happy all the time is because it’s not healthy for us. It’s important to be real with ourselves and others, and to deal with our problems head-on. When we’re constantly putting on a fake smile, we’re not dealing with our real problems. This can lead to even more stress and anxiety down the road. So let’s try to be more authentic in our relationships, and to focus on the positive things in our lives.

The problem with always putting on a smile

The problem with always putting on a smile is that it’s not real. It’s important to be aware of the impact of toxic positivity and to make a conscious effort to be more authentic in our relationships. When we’re constantly pretending to be happy, we’re not dealing with our real problems. This can lead to even more stress and anxiety down the road. So let’s try to focus on the positive things in our lives, and to be more real with ourselves and others.


So, what can we do to avoid the dangers of toxic positivity? First and foremost, we need to be authentic in our relationships. We should be honest with our friends and family about our problems, and we shouldn’t try to put on a facade of happiness. Additionally, we should focus on the positive aspects of our lives, and not just the negative ones. By doing these things, we can create more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Thanks for reading!

“Don’t despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don’t – surrender to events with hope.”

Alain de Botton

If you want to be the dopest version of yourself, check out my book & journal available on Amazon.

A beautiful mess: A journey to Self-love will be available in May!

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