Girl Talk, Mental Health

You Are Already Validated!

Hey friend!

We all crave validation. We want to feel like we’re good people, that we’re doing the right thing, and that we belong. It’s a natural part of being human. And for a long time, validation has come from other people. We looked to our parents, our friends, our teachers, and society as a whole to tell us whether or not we were good enough. But this kind of validation can be fleeting. We may gain approval one day and lose it the next. And when we’re dependent on other people for validation, it can be an emotional roller coaster ride. What if there was a better way? What if you could find true, lasting validation from within yourself?

The answer is yes – you can! When you turn to God for your worth and acceptance, he is always there to remind you of your inherent value as his beloved son or daughter. No matter what anyone else thinks or says about you, God’s love never fades. You are unconditionally accepted and validated by him. He has already given you everything you need to feel worthy and secure in who you are. That doesn’t mean you should never seek approval from others. But it does mean that your ultimate validation should come from within, and not from any external sources.

When you’ve accepted God’s love and grace, you can be sure of the unconditional acceptance he has already given to you. No person or opinion can ever take that away. So stop looking for outside validation – God has already validated you! All that is left to do is accept his gift of unconditional love and learn to trust in your own worthiness. Then no matter what anyone else says or thinks, you will always know who you are and feel confident in your value as a beloved child of God.

When we rely on our faith in God for validation, we are able to find a greater sense of security within. We can take comfort in knowing that God’s love is unchanging and unconditional, no matter what anyone else says or thinks about us. Our worth will never be dependent on the opinions or actions of others.

Through Jesus Christ, we have access to grace and mercy that knows no bounds. He offers us complete validation and acceptance; all we need to do is accept his gift with open arms. When we trust in God’s love for us, our own self-worth is secure regardless of any external circumstances.

So today, let go of your need for outside validation and place your trust in the Creator. When you have accepted God’s love and grace, you will always know your worth regardless of anyone else’s opinion. And that is something no one can ever take away from you.

Remember, you are unconditionally accepted and validated by God! No matter what external sources may think or say about you, your ultimate validation comes from within. So let go of the need for outside approval, and find strength in His unfailing love instead. You already have everything you need to feel secure in who you are. Amen.

“Life is too short to waste time waiting for other people’s approval on how you live it.”


New Book Alert. May 5th

A Beautiful Mess: A Journey to Self-Love

“A Beautiful Mess: A Self-Love Journey” is a heartfelt collection of poems and affirmations that will inspire and uplift you on your journey towards self-discovery and self-love. This book is for anyone who has ever felt lost or uncertain, for anyone who has ever struggled with their self-worth, and for anyone who is ready to embrace their imperfections and find beauty in the chaos of life.

With moving and thought-provoking poetry, this book will take you on a journey through the ups and downs of life, helping you to see the beauty in your struggles and the strength in your vulnerability. Each page is filled with powerful affirmations that will uplift and encourage you, reminding you of your worth and helping you to believe in yourself.

Whether you’re looking for a source of inspiration and motivation, or simply a comforting place to turn to when you need it most, “A Beautiful Mess” is the perfect book for you. This collection of poems and affirmations is a reminder that you are worthy, you are loved, and you are enough, exactly as you are.

So why wait? Embark on your self-love journey today and discover the beauty in your own unique, beautiful mess. Get your copy of “A Beautiful Mess: A Self-Love Journey” now!

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