Girl Talk, Mental Health

Love Bombing: When Too Much Attention is a Red Flag

Few things in life are as exhilarating as finding someone you’re attracted to and begin to date. The whirlwind of new emotions and sensations can be intoxicating, and it’s easy to get swept up in the fun. But it’s important to remember that not all relationships are healthy, and some people may try to take advantage of your feelings in order to control or manipulate you. So how do you know if a guy is love bombing you? And more importantly, what can you do about it?

Love bombing can be hard to spot because it usually starts out as a positive experience. After all, who doesn’t love receiving compliments and gifts? However, over time, the constant praise and attention becomes overwhelming, leaving you feeling isolated and disconnected from the outside world. If you suspect that you’re being love bombed, here are some signs to look out for:

See the signs

Signs of Being Love Bombed

1. “I want to spoil you.” They send you lavish gifts, take you on expensive trips and adorn you with jewelry in a short amount of time.

2. “I’ve never met someone more beautiful than you.” They give overwhelming compliments even before they know enough about you to warrant such a compliment.

3. “You’re perfect for me.” They try to hurry things along by saying that you’re Soulmates or twin flames.

4. “I can’t live without you.” They say things like this even though you just met or have only been dating for a short time.

5. “Let’s move in together/get married.” They pressure you into making big life decisions before getting to know each other better.

6. “You’re so much better than all my exes.” They tear down your self-esteem by constantly comparing you to other people (usually their exes).

7. “I know what you’re thinking/feeling.” They claim to be psychic or to have powers of mind reading in order to control the conversation. 

8. “I’m always here for you.” They constantly texts/calls/messages you, even when they know you’re busy or don’t want to talk.

9. “You’re crazy/jealous/possessive.” They gaslight you by making YOU seem like the unreasonable one whenever you voice your concerns about their behavior. 

10. “It’s not my fault, it’s yours.” Whenever something goes wrong, they always find a way to blame someone else instead of taking responsibility themselves. 

If any of these sound familiar, then chances are good that you’re being love bombed. So what can you do about it? Here are some tips:

Boy bye!

How To Deal With A Love Bomber

1) Politely refuse the gifts, or say you’re not interested. It’s okay to be honest about your feelings without being rude or insulting them. Just say that their gestures are too much for right now and that they should slow down a bit. 

2) If they continue persistently after your initial rejection, then it’s time to cut ties entirely—no matter how tough it may be emotionally. It’s best to nip this type of behavior in the bud before it has a chance to turn into something abusive. 

3) If you get into a relationship with a love bomber, make sure you have people outside the relationship whom you can rely on for support and advice—preferably someone who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is! 4) Communicate openly with your partner about your needs and expectations regarding the pace of the relationship. If they truly care about you, then they will respect your wishes.

You are in control of your life.

Remember, you are in control of your life and your happiness—not them. No one has the right to control how you feel or what choices you make. So don’t let them pull any emotional manipulation stunts with you. You deserve better than that! If someone is trying to manipulate you emotionally, call them out on it and put a stop to it. Don’t fall for their tricks—you are worth so much more than that!

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