Girl Talk

The Power of Self-Love: Cultivate a Happier Life

The Power of Self-Love: How to Cultivate it for a Happier Life 

Introduction: It’s easy to get overwhelmed by life and not love ourselves in the way we should; but self-love is essential for achieving happiness and contentment in life, even during times of stress and struggle. Becoming aware of our inner dialogue, engaging in activities that make us feel good about ourselves, and investing time in ourselves are all ways to cultivate self-love. By understanding why self love is important and how we can start building it into our lives, we can create a healthier relationship with ourselves and experience the joys of self-love.

1. Becoming Aware of Inner Dialogue 

Becoming aware of your inner dialogue is an essential first step for developing a healthy relationship with yourself and cultivating love for yourself. It’s easy to get stuck in a negative thought pattern and start believing that you are not good enough, talented enough, or worthy enough but this is entirely false. To love yourself, it’s important to recognize these false thoughts for what they are and replace them with positive affirmations about yourself. For example, instead of thinking “I am so bad at this” when faced with a challenge, try saying “I can do this if I put in the effort.” Becoming aware of your inner dialogue will allow you to become more conscious of how you talk to and think about yourself and love yourself more fully as a result. 

When it comes to developing a healthy relationship with yourself, positive self-talk and inner dialogue are key. Positive self-talk is the practice of speaking kindly to oneself, treating oneself with love and compassion, and replacing negative thoughts with more positive ones. While our inner dialogue can often be filled with negative chatter, we can begin to shift our inner dialogue to one of love and kindness by consciously choosing positive thoughts.

2.  Engaging in Activities That Make You Feel Good About Yourself 

Engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself is another important component of self love. We all have different interests and activities that bring us joy; be it drawing, playing a musical instrument, writing, spending time outdoors or something else entirely. Find an activity that brings you happiness and dedicate time to it on a regular basis. Doing so will provide a sense of accomplishment and help build your self-confidence because you’re investing in something that is meaningful to you. Do things that you love to do that puts a smile on your face. To many of us get stuck in a rut and a cycle of misery because we do more things that we don’t want to out of obligation. Each day learn to be more intentional when it comes to your happiness and engaging in activities that you enjoy!

3. Investing Time In Yourself 

Lastly, investing time in yourself is key for cultivating love for yourself. Self-care is not just about bubble baths and face masks – it’s also about making sure we are devoting time to ourselves and our wellbeing. This could mean meditating, journaling, exercising or even just taking some time off to relax. When you give yourself permission to take a break from life’s daily stressors and invest in yourself, you feel more energized and motivated to love yourself and your life overall. 

Investing time in yourself is a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to cultivating love for yourself. Self-care isn’t just about taking a few minutes for some self-love and relaxation–it’s about investing the energy into taking care of ourselves and our wellbeing.  When we give ourselves the love and care we need, it helps us love ourselves more deeply and lead healthier, happier lives. 


Self-love is essential for achieving true happiness in life; by becoming aware of our inner dialogue, engaging in activities that make us feel good about ourselves, and investing time in ourselves we can begin cultivating love for ourselves. Doing so will help bring a sense of contentment into our lives as we recognize how important we are and learn how to love ourselves fully. No matter how hard it may seem to love yourself at first, by following these steps and taking small yet meaningful actions towards self love, you can begin to feel more love and appreciation for yourself. Cultivating love for yourself takes time and practice, but it is a journey worth embarking on! With dedication, perseverance, and love, you can learn to love the person that matters most: YOU.

“Love yourself. Be clear on how you want to be treated. Know your worth. Always.”

Maryam Hasnaa

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