Hey boo, heyyyy! Welcome to my blog. So,  let me introduce myself. I’m Lakeysha, and as you get to know me though my posts, somewhat interesting opinions, and sarcastic humor, I will be known as your girl Keysha. Your encourager, motivator, supporter, counselor, and most importantly your petty friend.


OKAY… Let me get serious!!

My Bio

In her younger days, Lakeysha Egleston battled with chronic depression. It was in her moments of despair that she discovered her passion to help others attain spiritual, emotional and mental development. Thus, she wields her story of survival as a powerful tool with which she encourages and inspires others to be the best they can be, even in the toughest of times. She never misses an opportunity to reach as many hearts as she can with her empowering message of hope and motivation.

A Certified Christian Counselor, life coach and blogger, Lakeysha shoulders the social responsibility of seeking out depressed ones and holding their hands through their predicaments. Eager to reach a wider range of audience and cross international borders with her words of hope, she embraced the therapeutic art of writing self-help non-fiction with a focus on mental and emotional health. She molds her expertise in psychology and her personal experiences into empowering words and pages, leaving lasting impressions that ultimately urge her readers to take a firm stand against negative energy.

Holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Liberty University and a certification from the American Associates of Christian Counselors at Light University, Lakeysha currently works as a mental health counselor. She resides in Boston, Massachusetts, and never takes a break from helping others find happiness.