Why Self-Love is Key to a Healthy Relationship: Learning to Date Yourself First

Hey Friend! In a world that often tells us that we need someone else to complete us, it can be easy to forget that we need to love ourselves first. This is especially true when it comes to dating and relationships. Before we can have a healthy relationship with someone else, we need to cultivate …

The Importance of Boundaries: How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Protect Your Well-Being

Hey friend! In our fast-paced and demanding world, it can be easy to neglect our own needs and prioritize the needs of others. While caring for others is a wonderful quality, it’s important to remember that our own well-being matters just as much. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is one of the most powerful ways …

Ghosting: Why It Happens and How to Move On

Hey friend! Ghosting has become an all-too-common experience in the dating world, leaving many feeling hurt, confused, and rejected (trust me I know how it feels 😩). But rather than allowing ghosting to affect your self-esteem, it’s important to change your perspective and recognize that the person who ghosted you has simply excused themselves from …

The Art of Self-Compassion: How to Practice Self-Love and Acceptance in Your Daily Life

Hey Friend! In a world that often encourages us to be our own toughest critics, the art of self-compassion can be a difficult concept to grasp. However, practicing self-love and acceptance is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, both mentally and emotionally. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art …

It’s time to be your BEST self.

Hey friend! Being the best version of yourself is a concept that has gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason. The idea is simple: to become the best possible version of yourself by working on your strengths, improving your weaknesses, and ultimately living a more fulfilling life. It’s about striving for personal growth …

Empowering Women: Stories of Women Who Have Overcome Adversity and Achieved Success.

Hey friend! In honor of women’s history month and women’s International day that recently passed on March 8th. I figured I would write a blog post on three phenomenal women. But these are only three women from a long list of trailblazers. Women have always been at the forefront of social change, fighting for justice …

Dealing with Rejection: How to Bounce Back and Stay Positive

Rejection is a part of life, and it can come in many different forms. Whether it’s a job rejection, a breakup, or being turned down for a date, rejection can be painful and challenging to deal with. However, it’s important to remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth, and there are ways …

Benefits of Self-Love in Dating: How to Cultivate Self-Confidence and Attract the Right Partner

Hey Friend! Dating can be a daunting experience for many people, and it can be challenging to navigate the ups and downs of finding the right partner. However, one essential aspect of dating that is often overlooked is the importance of self-love. Self-love is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and it can have a …

Caring for Your Mental Health During the Holidays

The holiday season is typically associated with joy and celebration, but for some people it’s a period of stressful demands, painful reflection, loneliness, anxiety, and depression. It’s important to take extra steps to look after mental health during this busier time of year. Here are some tips for avoiding the holiday blues and practicing self-care. …

Love Bombing: When Too Much Attention is a Red Flag

Few things in life are as exhilarating as finding someone you’re attracted to and begin to date. The whirlwind of new emotions and sensations can be intoxicating, and it’s easy to get swept up in the fun. But it’s important to remember that not all relationships are healthy, and some people may try to take …