Heyyyy boo, heyyy! If you are struggling with depression, then this blog post is for you! I am defined by the actions I take in response to depression and not by the depression itself. I am defined by my personality, my actions, and my beliefs. I define myself! I am stronger than these feelings of …
10 ways to practice self-care @ home
Hey boo, heyyyy! Let’s face it the past couple of months has been pretty stressful to say the least. There is so much that is going on in the world today, I mean turn on the news. It’s one thing after another, it seems to have gone from bad to worse. And I can’t stress …
It’s okay to say “NO!”
Hey boo, heyyy: Have you ever been in a situation, where someone asks you to do something that you just don’t want to do? Like a friend wants you to drive them to the mall (without giving you any gas money)? Or that one family member (who always asks for money) wants you to do …
Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances
Hey boo, heyyy!! Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately, you can enjoy the exciting life you deserve. Success is available to you despite challenging circumstances. It’s important to remember, also, that your self-worth …
Hey boo, heyyy! Now I must admit although this song isn’t new, new, it’s still a really great song. In the world that we live in, we tend to fight for other people’s attention. At times it feels that we are competing with social media, work, family, friends, hobbies, whatever it is, the one we …
I find joy in each day
Hey boo, heyyy!! Here is some encouragement & a self reflection exercise just for you! Read it, speak it, and believe it. No, things in our lives aren’t always perfect, but there are things in our lives that we can appreciate on a daily. Remember life is all about perspective, instead of looking at the …
Love yourself unconditionally!
Hey boo, heyyy!! Did you know that of Low Self-Esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness, and can lead to depression? Having low self esteem can have an negative affect on your friendships, romantic relationships, and your work and school performance? Can you honestly say that you love yourself & have a healthy view of yourself? …
7 Throwback Movies to watch while the world is falling apart
Hey boo, heyyyyy! Despite what’s going on in the world I hope you and your family’s are doing well. If not I send you love, positivity and good health. Sense everybody and their momma is quaratine and stuck in the house (well, you better be in the house to limit the spread of the corona …
Ask Keysha!!
Hey boo, heyyyy! How you doing? (In my Wendy voice…lol). If you have a question, please feel free to contact me. Don’t hesitate, just do it!! It’s okay to ask for help! 1. Everyone needs help from time to time From parents to presidents, everyone has needed some assistance. You are not the first, and …
How Do You Build Positive Work Relationships
Being social creatures, all human beings crave happy relationships wherever we go. A part of our day is spent at job station; therefore, developing good relations with co-workers makes our time enjoyable and optimistic. Positive workplace relationships have great importance to keep us cheerful, productive and satisfied in our life. Here we share all the …