Ghosting: Why It Happens and How to Move On

Hey friend! Ghosting has become an all-too-common experience in the dating world, leaving many feeling hurt, confused, and rejected (trust me I know how it feels 😩). But rather than allowing ghosting to affect your self-esteem, it’s important to change your perspective and recognize that the person who ghosted you has simply excused themselves from …

Girl Talk

The Power of Self-Love: Cultivate a Happier Life

The Power of Self-Love: How to Cultivate it for a Happier Life  Introduction: It’s easy to get overwhelmed by life and not love ourselves in the way we should; but self-love is essential for achieving happiness and contentment in life, even during times of stress and struggle. Becoming aware of our inner dialogue, engaging in …

Love Bombing: When Too Much Attention is a Red Flag

Few things in life are as exhilarating as finding someone you’re attracted to and begin to date. The whirlwind of new emotions and sensations can be intoxicating, and it’s easy to get swept up in the fun. But it’s important to remember that not all relationships are healthy, and some people may try to take …

Girl Talk

The problem with always putting on a smile

In our culture, we’ve become obsessed with happiness. We’re constantly being told to cheer up, and that it’ll get better. But what if we’re not really happy? What if we’re struggling with something? That’s where toxic positivity comes in. Toxic positivity is the act of pretending to be happy when you’re really not. It’s fake …

Overcoming Loneliness: How to Create a Happy Life by Yourself

Loneliness is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. According to a study by Cigna, over 45 percent of Americans report feeling lonely sometimes or always. That’s more than half the population! And it’s not just adults who are affected – children and teens are increasingly feeling lonely, too. So …

3 easy ways to take care of yourself

Self-care is important for everyone, but it’s especially important if you’re struggling with mental health issues. Taking care of yourself can help you manage symptoms, stay healthy and improve your overall well-being. Here are three important ways to take care of yourself: 1. Get enough sleep. Sleep is crucial for good physical and mental health. …

Girl Talk

What do you bring to the table?

This question has been going around these social media streets for awhile. But recently everywhere I turn men have been asking women this question a lot more because of certain coaches, consultants, etc. who love to talk about high-value men & how a woman should have realistic standards aka lower her standards. Now don’t get …